
When you ask Dask to compute a collection (with the compute method on the collection, the dask.compute() function, etc.), Dask will (by default) optimize the task graph before beginning to execute the graph (the optimize_graph argument exists to toggle this behavior, but setting this to False is really meant for debugging). Core Dask has a number of optimizations implemented that we benefit from downstream in dask-awkward. You can read more about Dask optimization in general at this section of the Dask docs.

dask-awkward Optimizations#

There are two optimizations implemented in the dask-awkward code. One is the layer-chains optimization that fuses adjacent task graph layers together (if they are compatible with each other). This is a relatively simple optimization that just simplifies the task graph. The other optimization is the columns (or “necessary columns”) optimization; which is a bit more technical and described in a follow-up section.

One can configure which optimizations to run at compute-time; read more optimization. More information can be found in the configuration section of the docs.

Necessary Columns#

We have one dask-awkward specific optimization that targets efficient data access from disk. We call it the “necessary columns” optimization. This optimization will execute the task graph without operating on real data. The data-less execution of the graph helps determine which parts of a dataset sitting on disk are actually required to read in order to successfully complete the compute.

Once we’ve determined which parts of the data are necessary, we can pass that information to awkward’s input functions at the data reading layers of our task graph. With Parquet, this is the columns= argument of ak.from_parquet(). With JSON, we construct a JSONSchema that contains only the necessary parts of the data that we want, and we pass that to the schema= argument of ak.from_json().


Two file formats are supported by the necessary columns optimization: Parquet and JSON. The optimization is on by default for reading Parquet, but it is opt-in for JSON. One can control via configuration which formats will use the columns optimization when read from disk. For example, the following code snippet shows how to opt-in to using the necessary columns optimization via JSONSchema

import dask_awkward as dak
import dask.config

ds = dak.from_json("/path/to/data")
thing = dak.max(ds.field1, axis=1)
with dask.config.set({"awkward.optimization.columns-opt-formats": ["json"]}):

Let’s look at a simple example dataset: an awkward array with two top level fields (foo and bar), with one field having two subfields (bar.x and bar.y). Imagine this dataset is going to be read off disk in Parquet format. In this format we’ll have a column of integers for foo, a column of integers for bar.x and a column of floats for bar.y.

    {"foo": 5, "bar": {"x": [-1, -2], "y": -2.2}},
    {"foo": 6, "bar": {"x": [-3], "y":  3.3}},
    {"foo": 7, "bar": {"x": [-5, -6, -7], "y": -4.4}},
    {"foo": 8, "bar": {"x": [8, 9, 10, 11, 12], "y":  5.5}},

If our task graph is of the form:

>>> import dask_awkward as dak
>>> ds = dak.from_parquet("/path/to/data")
>>> result = ds.bar.x / ds.foo

We have five layers in the graph:

  1. Reading parquet from the path /path/to/data

  2. Access the field foo

  3. Access the field bar

  4. Access the field x from bar

  5. Array division

We can see this at the REPL by inspecting the .dask property of the collection:

>>> result.dask
HighLevelGraph with 5 layers.
  <dask.highlevelgraph.HighLevelGraph object at 0x134a4fc10>
   0. read-parquet-f4e4296edcc1309191080cae9018ab4c
   1. foo-791f3e559c4061a8c9df2e87a0524069
   2. bar-edf7073f1aab48e986099f7c67e81be9
   3. x-47d0bdfde8d53e07444a58204428ff2f
   4. divide-b85b7c773695128b08311b3a75b0002b

Notice that we never actually need the bar.y column of floats. Upon calling result.compute(), step (1) in our list of layers above (reading parquet) will be updated such that the parquet read will only grab foo and bar.x.


This is done by replacing the original input layer with a new layer instance that will pass in the named argument columns=["foo", "bar.x"] to the concrete awkward ak.from_parquet() function at compute time.

You can see which columns are determined to be necessary by calling dask_awkward.report_necessary_columns() on the collection of interest (it returns a mapping that pairs an input layer with the list of necessary columns):

>>> import dask_awkward as dak
>>> dak.report_necessary_columns(result)
{"some-layer-name": ["foo", "bar.x"]}

The optimization is performed by relying on upstream Awkward-Array typetracers. It is possible for this optimization to fail. The default configuration is such that a warning will be thrown if the optimization fails. If you’d instead like to silence the warning or raise an exception, the configuration parameter can be adjusted. Here are the options for the awkward.optimization.on-fail configuration parameter:

  • "pass": fail silently; the optimization is skipped (can reduce performance by reading unncessary data from disk).

  • "raise": fail by raising an exception: this will stop the process at compute time.

  • "warn" (the default): fail with a warning but let the compute continue without the necessary columns optimization (can reduce performance by reading unnecessary data from disk).

One can also use the columns= argument (with from_parquet(), for example) to manually define which columns should be read from disk. The report_necessary_columns() function can be used to determine how one should use the columns= argument. Using our above example, we write

>>> import dask_awkward as dak
>>> import dask.config
>>> ds = dak.from_parquet("/path/to/data", columns=["bar.x", "foo"])
>>> result = ds.bar.x / ds.foo
>>> with dask.config.set({"awkward.optimization.enabled": False}):
...     result.compute()

With this code we can save a little bit of overhead by not running the necessary columns optimization after already defining, by hand, the minimal set (one should be sure about what is needed with this workflow).


Under the hood, the columns optimization is implemented as a buffers optimization; dask-awkward determines the buffers necessary to read from a columnar source, before translating these to column names. Some IO sources might not support report_necessary_columns(), e.g. if the source directly reads buffers from a container.

For these IO sources, report_necessary_buffers() can be used instead.