Source code for dask_awkward.lib.core

from __future__ import annotations

import keyword
import logging
import math
import numbers
import operator
import sys
import warnings
from import Callable, Hashable, Mapping, Sequence
from enum import IntEnum
from functools import cached_property, partial, wraps
from inspect import getattr_static
from numbers import Number
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, TypeVar, Union, overload

import awkward as ak
import cachetools
import dask.config
import numpy as np
from awkward._do import remove_structure as ak_do_remove_structure
from awkward.highlevel import NDArrayOperatorsMixin, _dir_pattern
from awkward.typetracer import (
from dask.base import (
from dask.blockwise import BlockwiseDep
from dask.blockwise import blockwise as dask_blockwise
from dask.context import globalmethod
from dask.delayed import Delayed
from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
from dask.threaded import get as threaded_get
from dask.utils import IndexCallable
from dask.utils import OperatorMethodMixin as DaskOperatorMethodMixin
from dask.utils import funcname, is_arraylike, key_split

from dask_awkward.layers import AwkwardBlockwiseLayer, AwkwardMaterializedLayer
from dask_awkward.lib.optimize import all_optimizations
from dask_awkward.utils import (

    from awkward.contents.content import Content
    from awkward.forms.form import Form
    from awkward.types.arraytype import ArrayType
    from awkward.types.type import Type
    from dask.array.core import Array as DaskArray
    from dask.bag.core import Bag as DaskBag
    from dask.typing import Graph, Key, NestedKeys, PostComputeCallable
    from numpy.typing import DTypeLike

T = TypeVar("T")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _make_dask_descriptor(func: Callable) -> Callable[[T, type[T], Array], Any]:
    """Adapt a function accepting a `dask_array` into a dask-awkward descriptor
    that invokes and returns the user function when invoked.

    func : Callable dask-awkward descriptor body

        The callable dask-awkward descriptor

    def descriptor(instance: T, owner: type[T], dask_array: Array) -> Any:
        impl = func.__get__(instance, owner)
        return impl(dask_array)

    return descriptor

def _make_dask_method(func: Callable) -> Callable[[T, type[T], Array], Callable]:
    """Adapt a function accepting a `dask_array` and additional arguments into
    a dask-awkward descriptor that invokes and returns the bound user function.

    func : Callable
        The dask-awkward descriptor body.

        The callable dask-awkward descriptor.

    def descriptor(instance: T, owner: type[T], dask_array: Array) -> Any:
        def impl(*args, **kwargs):
            impl = func.__get__(instance, owner)
            return impl(dask_array, *args, **kwargs)

        return impl

    return descriptor

F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable)
G = TypeVar("G", bound=Callable)

class _DaskProperty(property):
    """A property descriptor that exposes a `.dask` method for registering
    dask-awkward descriptor implementations.

    _dask_get: Callable | None = None

    def dask(self, func: F) -> _DaskProperty:
        assert self._dask_get is None
        self._dask_get = _make_dask_descriptor(func)
        return self

def _adapt_naive_dask_get(func: Callable) -> Callable:
    """Adapt a non-dask-awkward user-defined descriptor function into
    a dask-awkward aware descriptor that invokes the original function.

    func : Callable
        The non-dask-awkward descriptor body.

        The callable dask-awkward aware descriptor body.

    def wrapper(self, dask_array, *args, **kwargs):
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def dask_property(maybe_func: Callable, *, no_dispatch: bool = False) -> _DaskProperty:
    """An extension of Python's built-in `property` that supports registration
    of a dask getter via `.dask`.

    maybe_func : Callable
        The property getter function.
    no_dispatch : bool
        If True, re-use the main getter function as the Dask implementation.

        The dask-awkward aware property descriptor

def dask_property(
    maybe_func: None = None, *, no_dispatch: bool = False
) -> Callable[[Callable], _DaskProperty]:
    """An extension of Python's built-in `property` that supports registration
    of a dask getter via `.dask`.

    maybe_func : Callable, optional
        The property getter function.
    no_dispatch : bool
        If True, re-use the main getter function as the Dask implementation.

        The callable dask-awkward aware property descriptor factory

[docs] def dask_property(maybe_func=None, *, no_dispatch=False): """An extension of Python's built-in `property` that supports registration of a dask getter via `.dask`. Parameters ---------- maybe_func : Callable, optional The property getter function. no_dispatch : bool If True, re-use the main getter function as the Dask implementation Returns ------- Callable The callable dask-awkward aware descriptor factory or the descriptor itself """ def dask_property_wrapper(func: Callable) -> _DaskProperty: prop = _DaskProperty(func) if no_dispatch: return prop.dask(_adapt_naive_dask_get(func)) else: return prop if maybe_func is None: return dask_property_wrapper else: return dask_property_wrapper(maybe_func)
class _DaskMethod: _impl: Callable _dask_get: Callable | None = None def __init__(self, impl: Callable): self._impl = impl def __get__( self, instance: T | None, owner: type[T] | None = None ) -> _DaskMethod | Callable: if instance is None: return self return self._impl.__get__(instance, owner) def dask(self, func: Callable) -> _DaskMethod: self._dask_get = _make_dask_method(func) return self @overload def dask_method(maybe_func: F, *, no_dispatch: bool = False) -> _DaskMethod: """Decorate an instance method to provide a mechanism for overriding the implementation for dask-awkward arrays via `.dask`. Parameters ---------- maybe_func : Callable The method implementation to decorate. no_dispatch : bool If True, re-use the main getter function as the Dask implementation Returns ------- Callable The callable dask-awkward aware method. """ @overload def dask_method( maybe_func: None = None, *, no_dispatch: bool = False ) -> Callable[[F], _DaskMethod]: """Decorate an instance method to provide a mechanism for overriding the implementation for dask-awkward arrays via `.dask`. Parameters ---------- maybe_func : Callable, optional The method implementation to decorate. no_dispatch : bool If True, re-use the main getter function as the Dask implementation Returns ------- Callable The callable dask-awkward aware method factory. """
[docs] def dask_method(maybe_func=None, *, no_dispatch=False): """Decorate an instance method to provide a mechanism for overriding the implementation for dask-awkward arrays via `.dask`. Parameters ---------- maybe_func : Callable, optional The method implementation to decorate. no_dispatch : bool If True, re-use the main getter function as the Dask implementation Returns ------- Callable The callable dask-awkward aware method. """ def dask_method_wrapper(func: F) -> _DaskMethod: method = _DaskMethod(func) if no_dispatch: return method.dask(_adapt_naive_dask_get(func)) else: return method if maybe_func is None: return dask_method_wrapper else: return dask_method_wrapper(maybe_func)
[docs] class Scalar(DaskMethodsMixin, DaskOperatorMethodMixin): """Single partition Dask collection representing a lazy Scalar. The class constructor is not intended for users. Instances of this class will be results from awkward operations. Within dask-awkward the ``new_scalar_object`` and ``new_known_scalar`` factory functions are used for creating new instances. """
[docs] def __init__( self, dsk: HighLevelGraph, name: str, meta: Any | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, known_value: Any | None = None, ) -> None: if not isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph): dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=()) # type: ignore self._dask: HighLevelGraph = dsk self._name: str = name if meta is not None and dtype is None: self._meta = self._check_meta(meta) self._dtype = self._meta.layout.dtype elif meta is None and dtype is not None: self._meta = ak.Array(create_unknown_scalar(dtype)) self._dtype = dtype else: ValueError("One (and only one) of dtype or meta can be defined.") self._known_value: Any | None = known_value
def __dask_graph__(self) -> Graph: return self._dask def __dask_keys__(self) -> NestedKeys: return [self.key] def __dask_layers__(self) -> Sequence[str]: return (,) def __dask_tokenize__(self) -> Hashable: return __dask_optimize__ = globalmethod( all_optimizations, key="awkward_scalar_optimize", falsey=dont_optimize ) __dask_scheduler__ = staticmethod(threaded_get) def __dask_postcompute__(self) -> tuple[PostComputeCallable, tuple]: return first, () def __dask_postpersist__(self): return self._rebuild, () def _rebuild(self, dsk, *, rename=None): name = self._name if rename: raise ValueError("rename= unsupported in dask-awkward") return type(self)(dsk, name, self._meta, self.known_value) def __reduce__(self): return (Scalar, (self.dask,, None, self.dtype, self.known_value)) @property def dask(self) -> HighLevelGraph: return self._dask @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def key(self) -> Key: return (self._name, 0) def _check_meta(self, m): if isinstance(m, MaybeNone): return ak.Array(m.content) elif isinstance(m, ak.Array) and len(m) == 1: return m elif isinstance(m, OneOf) or is_unknown_scalar(m): if isinstance(m, TypeTracerArray): return ak.Array(m) else: return m raise TypeError(f"meta must be a typetracer, not a {type(m)}") @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype: return self._dtype @property def npartitions(self) -> int: """Scalar and Records are unpartitioned by definition.""" return 1 @property def fields(self) -> list[str]: return [] @property def layout(self) -> Any: raise TypeError("Scalars do not have a layout.") @property def divisions(self) -> tuple[None, None]: """Scalar and Records do not have divisions by definition.""" return (None, None) @staticmethod def from_known(s: Any, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None) -> Scalar: """Create a scalar from a known value.""" return new_known_scalar(s, dtype=dtype) def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover return self.__str__() def __str__(self) -> str: if self.known_value is not None: return ( f"dask.awkward<{key_split(}, " "type=Scalar, " f"dtype={self.dtype}, " f"known_value={self.known_value}>" ) return f"dask.awkward<{key_split(}, type=Scalar, dtype={self.dtype}>" def __getitem__(self, where: Any) -> Any: msg = ( "__getitem__ access on Scalars should be done after converting " "the Scalar collection to delayed with the to_delayed method." ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def known_value(self) -> Any | None: return self._known_value def to_delayed(self, optimize_graph: bool = True) -> Delayed: """Convert Scalar collection into a Delayed collection. Parameters ---------- optimize_graph : bool If ``True`` optimize the existing task graph before converting to delayed. Returns ------- Delayed Resulting Delayed collection object. """ dsk = self.__dask_graph__() layer = self.__dask_layers__()[0] if optimize_graph: layer = f"delayed-{}" dsk = self.__dask_optimize__(dsk, self.__dask_keys__()) dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(layer, dsk, dependencies=()) return Delayed(self.key, dsk, layer=layer) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("_"): raise AttributeError # pragma: no cover msg = ( "Attribute access on Scalars should be done after converting " "the Scalar collection to delayed with the to_delayed method." ) raise AttributeError(msg) @classmethod def _get_binary_operator(cls, op, inv=False): def f(self, other): name = f"{op.__name__}-{tokenize(self, other)}" deps = [self] plns = [] if is_dask_collection(other): task = (op, self.key, *other.__dask_keys__()) deps.append(other) plns.append( else: task = (op, self.key, other) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( name, layer=AwkwardMaterializedLayer( {(name, 0): task}, previous_layer_names=plns, fn=op, ), dependencies=tuple(deps), ) if isinstance(other, Scalar): meta = op(self._meta, other._meta) else: meta = op(self._meta, other) return new_scalar_object(graph, name, meta=meta) return f @classmethod def _get_unary_operator(cls, op, inv=False): def f(self): name = f"{op.__name__}-{tokenize(self)}" layer = AwkwardMaterializedLayer( {(name, 0): (op, self.key)}, previous_layer_names=[], ) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( name, layer, dependencies=(self,), ) meta = op(self._meta) return new_scalar_object(graph, name, meta=meta) return f
def _promote_maybenones(op: Callable) -> Callable: """Wrap `op` function such that MaybeNone arguments are promoted. Typetracer graphs (i.e. what is run by our necessary buffers optimization) need `MaybeNone` results to be promoted to length 1 typetracer arrays. MaybeNone objects don't support these ops, but arrays do. """ @wraps(op) def f(*args): args = tuple( ak.Array(arg.content) if isinstance(arg, MaybeNone) else arg for arg in args ) result = op(*args) return result return f for op in [ _promote_maybenones(operator.abs), _promote_maybenones(operator.neg), _promote_maybenones(operator.pos), _promote_maybenones(operator.invert), _promote_maybenones(operator.add), _promote_maybenones(operator.sub), _promote_maybenones(operator.mul), _promote_maybenones(operator.floordiv), _promote_maybenones(operator.truediv), _promote_maybenones(operator.mod), _promote_maybenones(operator.pow), _promote_maybenones(operator.and_), _promote_maybenones(operator.or_), _promote_maybenones(operator.xor), _promote_maybenones(operator.lshift), _promote_maybenones(operator.rshift), _promote_maybenones(operator.eq), _promote_maybenones(, _promote_maybenones(, _promote_maybenones(, _promote_maybenones(operator.le), _promote_maybenones(, ]: Scalar._bind_operator(op) def new_scalar_object( dsk: HighLevelGraph, name: str, *, meta: Any | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, ) -> Scalar: """Instantiate a new scalar collection. Parameters ---------- dsk : HighLevelGraph Dask highlevel task graph. name : str Name for the collection. meta : Any Awkward typetracer metadata. Returns ------- Scalar Resulting collection. """ if meta is not None and dtype is None: pass elif meta is None and dtype is not None: meta = ak.Array(create_unknown_scalar(dtype)) else: ValueError("One (and only one) of dtype or meta can be defined.") if isinstance(meta, MaybeNone): meta = ak.Array(meta.content) elif meta is not None: try: if ak.backend(meta) != "typetracer": raise TypeError( f"meta Scalar must have a typetracer backend, not {ak.backend(meta)}" ) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("meta Scalar must have a typetracer backend; check failed") return Scalar(dsk, name, meta, known_value=None) def new_known_scalar( s: Any, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, label: str | None = None, ) -> Scalar: """Instantiate a Scalar with a known value. Parameters ---------- s : Any Python object. dtype : DTypeLike, optional NumPy dtype associated with the object, if undefined the dtype will be assigned via NumPy's interpretation of the object. label : str, optional Label for the task graph; if undefined "known-scalar" will be used. Returns ------- Scalar Resulting collection. Examples -------- >>> from dask_awkward.core import new_known_scalar >>> a = new_known_scalar(5, label="five") >>> a dask.awkward<five, type=Scalar, dtype=int64, known_value=5> >>> a.compute() 5 """ label = label or "known-scalar" name = f"{label}-{tokenize(s)}" if dtype is None: if isinstance(s, (int, np.integer)): dtype = np.dtype(int) elif isinstance(s, (float, np.floating)): dtype = np.dtype(float) else: dtype = np.dtype(type(s)) else: dtype = np.dtype(dtype) llg = AwkwardMaterializedLayer({(name, 0): s}, previous_layer_names=[]) hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, llg, dependencies=()) return Scalar( hlg, name, dtype=dtype, known_value=s, )
[docs] class Record(Scalar): """Single partition Dask collection representing a lazy Awkward Record. The class constructor is not intended for users. Instances of this class will be results from awkward operations. Within dask-awkward the ``new_record_object`` factory function is used for creating new instances. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dsk: HighLevelGraph, name: str, meta: Any | None = None) -> None: self._dask: HighLevelGraph = dsk self._name: str = name self._meta: ak.Record = self._check_meta(meta)
def _check_meta(self, m: Any | None) -> Any | None: if not isinstance(m, ak.Record): raise TypeError(f"meta must be a Record typetracer object, not a {type(m)}") return m def __getitem__(self, where): token = tokenize(self, where) new_name = f"{where}-{token}" new_meta = self._meta[where] # first check for array type return if isinstance(new_meta, ak.Array): graphlayer = {(new_name, 0): (operator.getitem, self.key, where)} hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( new_name, graphlayer, dependencies=[self], ) return new_array_object(hlg, new_name, meta=new_meta, npartitions=1) # then check for scalar (or record) type graphlayer = {(new_name, 0): (operator.getitem, self.key, where)} hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( new_name, graphlayer, dependencies=[self], ) if isinstance(new_meta, ak.Record): return new_record_object(hlg, new_name, meta=new_meta) else: return new_scalar_object(hlg, new_name, meta=new_meta) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr not in (self.fields or []): raise AttributeError(f"{attr} not in fields.") try: return self.__getitem__(attr) except (IndexError, KeyError): raise AttributeError(f"{attr} not in fields.") def __str__(self) -> str: return f"dask.awkward<{key_split(}, type=Record>" def __reduce__(self): return (Record, (self.dask,, self._meta)) @property def fields(self) -> list[str]: if self._meta is None: raise TypeError("metadata is missing; cannot determine fields.") return getattr(self._meta, "fields", None) or [] @property def layout(self) -> Any: return self._meta.layout def _ipython_key_completions_(self) -> list[str]: if self._meta is not None: return self._meta._ipython_key_completions_() return [] def __dir__(self) -> list[str]: fields = [] if self._meta is None else self._meta._layout.fields return sorted( set( [x for x in dir(type(self)) if not x.startswith("_")] + dir(super()) + [ x for x in fields if _dir_pattern.match(x) and not keyword.iskeyword(x) ] ) )
def new_record_object(dsk: HighLevelGraph, name: str, *, meta: Any) -> Record: """Instantiate a new record collection. Parameters ---------- dsk : HighLevelGraph Dask high level graph. name : str Name for the collection. meta : Any Awkward typetracer as metadata Returns ------- Record Resulting collection. """ out = Record(dsk, name, meta) if meta.__doc__ != meta.__class__.__doc__: out.__doc__ = meta.__doc__ if ak.backend(meta) != "typetracer": raise TypeError( f"meta Record must have a typetracer backend, not {ak.backend(meta)}" ) return Record(dsk, name, meta) def _is_numpy_or_cupy_like(arr: Any) -> bool: return ( hasattr(arr, "ndim") and hasattr(arr, "shape") and isinstance(arr.shape, tuple) and hasattr(arr, "dtype") ) def _finalize_array(results: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: # special cases for length 1 results if len(results) == 1: np_like = _is_numpy_or_cupy_like(results[0]) if isinstance(results[0], (int, ak.Array)) or np_like: # type: ignore[unreachable] return results[0] # a sequence of arrays that need to be concatenated. elif any(isinstance(r, ak.Array) for r in results): return ak.concatenate(results) # a sequence of scalars that are stored as np.ndarray(N) where N # is a number (i.e. shapeless numpy array) elif any(_is_numpy_or_cupy_like(r) for r in results) and any( r.shape == () for r in results ): return ak.Array(list(results)) # in awkward < 2.5 we can get integers instead of np.array scalars elif isinstance(results, (tuple, list)) and all( isinstance(r, (int, np.integer)) for r in results ): return ak.Array(list(results)) # sometimes all partition results will be None (some write-to-disk # operations) elif all(r is None for r in results): return None else: msg = ( "Unexpected results of a computation.\n " f"results: {results}" f"type of first result: {type(results[0])}" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) dak_cache = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=1000)
[docs] class Array(DaskMethodsMixin, NDArrayOperatorsMixin): """Partitioned, lazy, and parallel Awkward Array Dask collection. The class constructor is not intended for users. Instead use factory functions like :py:func:`~dask_awkward.from_parquet`, :py:func:`~dask_awkward.from_json`, etc. Within dask-awkward the ``new_array_object`` factory function is used for creating new instances. """
[docs] def __init__( self, dsk: HighLevelGraph, name: str, meta: ak.Array, divisions: tuple[int, ...] | tuple[None, ...], ) -> None: self._dask: HighLevelGraph = dsk self._name: str = name self._divisions: tuple[int, ...] | tuple[None, ...] = divisions self._meta: ak.Array = meta
def __dask_graph__(self) -> HighLevelGraph: return self.dask def __dask_keys__(self) -> NestedKeys: return [(, i) for i in range(self.npartitions)] def __dask_layers__(self) -> tuple[str]: return (,) def __dask_tokenize__(self) -> Hashable: return def __dask_postcompute__(self) -> tuple[Callable, tuple]: return _finalize_array, () def __dask_postpersist__(self): return self._rebuild, () __dask_optimize__ = globalmethod( all_optimizations, key="awkward_array_optimize", falsey=dont_optimize ) __dask_scheduler__ = staticmethod(threaded_get) def __setitem__(self, where: Any, what: Any) -> None: if not ( isinstance(where, str) or (isinstance(where, tuple) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in where)) ): raise TypeError("only fields may be assigned in-place (by field name)") if not isinstance(what, (Array, Number)): raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented( "Supplying anything other than a dak.Array, or Number to __setitem__ is not yet available!" ) from dask_awkward.lib.structure import with_field appended = with_field(self, what, where=where, behavior=self.behavior) self._meta = appended._meta self._dask = appended._dask self._name = appended._name def _rebuild(self, dsk, *, rename=None): name = if rename: raise ValueError("rename= unsupported in dask-awkward") return Array(dsk, name, self._meta, divisions=self.divisions) def reset_meta(self) -> None: """Assign an empty typetracer array as the collection metadata.""" self._meta = empty_typetracer() def repartition( self, npartitions: int | None = None, divisions: tuple[int, ...] | None = None, rows_per_partition: int | None = None, ) -> Array: from dask_awkward.layers import AwkwardMaterializedLayer from dask_awkward.lib.structure import repartition_layer if sum(bool(_) for _ in [npartitions, divisions, rows_per_partition]) != 1: raise ValueError("Please specify exactly one of the inputs") if not self.known_divisions: self.eager_compute_divisions() nrows = self.defined_divisions[-1] new_divisions: tuple[int, ...] = tuple() if divisions: new_divisions = divisions elif npartitions: rows_per_partition = math.ceil(nrows / npartitions) if rows_per_partition: new_divs = list(range(0, nrows, rows_per_partition)) new_divs.append(nrows) new_divisions = tuple(new_divs) token = tokenize(self, divisions) key = f"repartition-{token}" new_layer_raw = repartition_layer(self, key, new_divisions) new_layer = AwkwardMaterializedLayer( new_layer_raw, previous_layer_names=[], ) new_graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( key, new_layer, dependencies=(self,) ) return new_array_object( new_graph, key, meta=self._meta, behavior=self.behavior, divisions=tuple(new_divisions), ) def __len__(self) -> int: if not self.known_divisions: raise TypeError( "Cannot determine length of collection with unknown partition sizes without executing the graph.\n" "Use `dask_awkward.num(..., axis=0)` if you want a lazy Scalar of the length.\n" "If you want to eagerly compute the partition sizes to have the ability to call `len` on the collection" ", use `.eager_compute_divisions()` on the collection." ) return self.divisions[-1] # type: ignore def _shorttypestr(self, max: int = 10) -> str: return str(_type(self))[0:max] def _typestr(self, max: int = 0) -> str: tstr = str(_type(self)) if max and len(tstr) > max: tstr = f"{tstr[0:max]} ... }}" return f"var * {tstr}" def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"dask.awkward<{key_split(}, " f"npartitions={self.npartitions}" ">" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover return self.__str__() def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Iteration over a Dask Awkward collection is not supported.\n" "A suggested alternative: define a function which iterates over\n" "an awkward array and use that function with map_partitions." ) def _ipython_display_(self): return self._meta._ipython_display_() # pragma: no cover def _ipython_canary_method_should_not_exist_(self): return self._meta._ipython_canary_method_should_not_exist_() # pragma: no cover def _repr_mimebundle_(self): return self._meta._repr_mimebundle_() # pragma: no cover def _ipython_key_completions_(self) -> list[str]: if self._meta is not None: return self._meta._ipython_key_completions_() return [] def __dir__(self) -> list[str]: fields = [] if self._meta is None else self._meta._layout.fields return sorted( set( [x for x in dir(type(self)) if not x.startswith("_")] + dir(super()) + [ x for x in fields if _dir_pattern.match(x) and not keyword.iskeyword(x) ] ) ) def __reduce__(self): return (Array, (self.dask,, self._meta, self.divisions)) @property def dask(self) -> HighLevelGraph: """High level task graph associated with the collection.""" return self._dask @property def keys(self) -> NestedKeys: """Task graph keys.""" return self.__dask_keys__() @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the collection.""" return self._name @property def ndim(self) -> int: """Number of dimensions.""" assert self._meta is not None return self._meta.ndim @property def divisions(self) -> tuple[int, ...] | tuple[None, ...]: """Location of the collections partition boundaries.""" return self._divisions @property def known_divisions(self) -> bool: """True if the divisions are known (absence of ``None`` in the tuple).""" return len(self.divisions) > 0 and None not in self.divisions @property def defined_divisions(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: if not self.known_divisions: raise ValueError("defined_divisions only works when divisions are known.") return self._divisions # type: ignore @property def npartitions(self) -> int: """Total number of partitions.""" return len(self.divisions) - 1 @property def layout(self) -> Content: """awkward Array layout associated with the eventual computed result.""" if self._meta is not None: return self._meta.layout raise ValueError("This collection's meta is None; unknown layout.") @property def attrs(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """awkward Array attrs dictionary.""" if self._meta is not None: return MappingProxyType(self._meta.attrs) raise ValueError("This collection's meta is None; no attrs property available.") @property def behavior(self) -> Mapping | None: """awkward Array behavior dictionary.""" if self._meta is not None: behavior = self._meta.behavior return None if behavior is None else MappingProxyType(behavior) raise ValueError( "This collection's meta is None; no behavior property available." ) @property def mask(self) -> AwkwardMask: return AwkwardMask(self) @property def fields(self) -> list[str]: """Record field names (if any).""" return getattr(self._meta, "fields", None) or [] @property def form(self) -> Form: """awkward Array form associated with the eventual computed result.""" if self._meta is not None: return self._meta.layout.form raise ValueError("This collection's meta is None; unknown form.") @property def type(self) -> ArrayType: """awkward Array type associated with the eventual computed result.""" t = ak.types.ArrayType( self._meta._layout.form.type, 0, behavior=self._meta._behavior, ) t._length = "??" return t @cached_property def keys_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """NumPy array of task graph keys.""" return np.array(self.__dask_keys__(), dtype=object) def _partitions(self, index: Any) -> Array: # TODO: this produces a materialized layer, but could work like repartition() and slice() if not isinstance(index, tuple): index = (index,) token = tokenize(self, index) from dask.array.slicing import normalize_index raw = normalize_index(index, (self.npartitions,)) index = tuple(slice(k, k + 1) if isinstance(k, Number) else k for k in raw) # type: ignore name = f"partitions-{token}" new_keys = self.keys_array[index].tolist() dsk = {(name, i): tuple(key) for i, key in enumerate(new_keys)} graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( name, AwkwardMaterializedLayer(dsk, previous_layer_names=[]), dependencies=(self,), ) # if a single partition was requested we trivially know the new divisions. if len(raw) == 1 and isinstance(raw[0], int) and self.known_divisions: # TODO: don't we always know the divisions? new_divisions = ( 0, self.divisions[raw[0] + 1] - self.divisions[raw[0]], # type: ignore ) # otherwise nullify the known divisions else: new_divisions = (None,) * (len(new_keys) + 1) # type: ignore return new_array_object( graph, name, meta=self._meta, divisions=tuple(new_divisions) ) @property def partitions(self) -> IndexCallable: """Get a specific partition or slice of partitions. Returns ------- dask.utils.IndexCallable Examples -------- >>> import dask_awkward as dak >>> import awkward as ak >>> aa = ak.Array([[1, 2, 3], [], [2]]) >>> a = dak.from_awkward(aa, npartitions=3) >>> a dask.awkward<from-awkward, npartitions=3> >>> a.partitions[0] dask.awkward<partitions, npartitions=1> >>> a.partitions[0:2] dask.awkward<partitions, npartitions=2> >>> a.partitions[2].compute() <Array [[2]] type='1 * var * int64'> """ return IndexCallable(self._partitions) def _getitem_trivial_map_partitions( self, where: Any, meta: Any | None = None, label: str | None = None, ) -> Any: if meta is None and self._meta is not None: if isinstance(where, tuple): metad = to_meta(where) meta = self._meta[metad] else: m = to_meta([where])[0] meta = self._meta[m] return _map_partitions( operator.getitem, self, where, meta=meta, output_divisions=1, label=label, ) def _getitem_outer_bool_or_int_lazy_array(self, where): ba = where if isinstance(where, Array) else where[0] if partition_compatibility(self, ba) == PartitionCompatibility.NO: raise IncompatiblePartitions("getitem", self, ba) if isinstance(where, tuple): raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented( "tuple style input boolean/int selection is not supported." ) new_meta = self._meta[where._meta] return self._map_partitions( operator.getitem, where, meta=new_meta, ) def _getitem_outer_str_or_list( self, where: str | list | tuple[Any, ...], label: str | None = None, ) -> Any: new_meta: Any | None = None if self._meta is not None: if isinstance(where, tuple): if not isinstance(where[0], (str, list)): raise TypeError("Expected where[0] to be a string or list") metad = to_meta(where) new_meta = self._meta[metad] elif isinstance(where, (str, list)): new_meta = self._meta[where] return self._getitem_trivial_map_partitions(where, meta=new_meta, label=label) def _getitem_outer_int(self, where: int | tuple[Any, ...]) -> Any: if where == 0 or (isinstance(where, tuple) and where[0] == 0): pass elif not self.known_divisions: self.eager_compute_divisions() new_meta: Any | None = None # multiple objects passed to getitem. collections passed in # the tuple of objects have not been tested! if isinstance(where, tuple): if not isinstance(where[0], int): raise TypeError("Expected where[0] to be and integer.") if where[0] == 0: pidx, outer_where = 0, 0 else: pidx, outer_where = normalize_single_outer_inner_index( self.divisions, where[0] # type: ignore ) partition = self.partitions[pidx] rest = where[1:] where = (outer_where, *rest) if partition._meta is not None: metad = to_meta(where) new_meta = partition._meta[metad] # single object passed to getitem elif isinstance(where, int): if where == 0: pidx, where = 0, 0 else: pidx, where = normalize_single_outer_inner_index(self.divisions, where) # type: ignore partition = self.partitions[pidx] if partition._meta is not None: new_meta = partition._meta[where] # new_meta = make_unknown_length(partition._meta)[where] # new_meta = ak.Array( # ak.to_backend( # partition._meta, # "typetracer", # highlevel=False, # ).to_typetracer(forget_length=True) # )[where] # if we know a new array is going to be made, just call the # trivial inner on the new partition. if isinstance(new_meta, ak.Array): result = partition._getitem_trivial_map_partitions(where, meta=new_meta) result._divisions = (0, None) return result # otherwise make sure we have one of the other potential results. if not isinstance(new_meta, (ak.Record, TypeTracerArray, OneOf, MaybeNone)): raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented("Key type not supported for this array.") token = tokenize(partition, where) name = f"getitem-{token}" dsk = { (name, 0): ( operator.getitem, partition.__dask_keys__()[0], where, ) } hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( name, AwkwardMaterializedLayer(dsk, previous_layer_names=[]), dependencies=[partition], ) if isinstance(new_meta, ak.Record): return new_record_object(hlg, name, meta=new_meta) else: return new_scalar_object(hlg, name, meta=new_meta) def _getitem_slice_on_zero(self, where): # normalise sl = where[0] rest = tuple(where[1:]) step = sl.step or 1 start = sl.start or 0 if not self.known_divisions: self.eager_compute_divisions() stop = sl.stop or self.defined_divisions[-1] start = start if start >= 0 else self.defined_divisions[-1] + start stop = stop if stop >= 0 else self.defined_divisions[-1] + stop if step < 0: raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented("negative step slice on zeroth dimension") # setup token = tokenize(self, where) name = f"getitem-{token}" remainder = 0 outpart = 0 divisions = [0] dask = {} # make low-level graph for i in range(self.npartitions): if start > self.defined_divisions[i + 1]: # first partition not yet found continue if stop < self.defined_divisions[i] and dask: # no more partitions with valid rows # does **NOT** exit if there are no partitions yet, to make sure there is always # at least one, needed to get metadata of empty output right break slice_start = max(start - self.defined_divisions[i], 0 + remainder) slice_end = min( stop - self.defined_divisions[i], self.defined_divisions[i + 1] - self.defined_divisions[i], ) if ( slice_end == slice_start and (self.defined_divisions[i + 1] - self.defined_divisions[i]) and dask ): # in case of zero-row last partition (if not only partition) break dask[(name, outpart)] = ( _zero_getitem, (, i), slice(slice_start, slice_end, step), rest, ) outpart += 1 remainder = ( (self.defined_divisions[i] + slice_start) - self.defined_divisions[i + 1] ) % step remainder = step - remainder if remainder < 0 else remainder nextdiv = math.ceil((slice_end - slice_start) / step) divisions.append(divisions[-1] + nextdiv) hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( name, AwkwardMaterializedLayer(dask, previous_layer_names=[]), dependencies=[self], ) return new_array_object( hlg, name, meta=self._meta, behavior=self.behavior, divisions=tuple(divisions), ) def _getitem_tuple(self, where): where, n_field_accesses = field_access_to_front(where) if isinstance(where[0], int): return self._getitem_outer_int(where) elif isinstance(where[0], (str, list)): first, rest = where[:n_field_accesses], where[n_field_accesses:] if rest: return self._getitem_trivial_map_partitions(first)[rest] return self._getitem_trivial_map_partitions(first) elif isinstance(where[0], slice) and is_empty_slice(where[0]): return self._getitem_trivial_map_partitions(where) elif isinstance(where[0], slice): return self._getitem_slice_on_zero(where) # boolean array elif isinstance(where[0], Array): try: dtype = where[0].layout.dtype.type except AttributeError: dtype = where[0].layout.content.dtype.type if issubclass(dtype, (np.bool_, numbers.Integral)): return self._getitem_outer_bool_or_int_lazy_array(where) elif where[0] is Ellipsis: if len(where) <= self.ndim: return self._getitem_trivial_map_partitions(where) raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented( "Array slicing doesn't currently support Ellipsis where " "the total number of sliced axes is greater than the " "dimensionality of the array." ) raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented( f"Array.__getitem__ doesn't support multi object: {where}" ) def _getitem_single(self, where): # a single string if isinstance(where, str): return self._getitem_outer_str_or_list(where, label=where) # an empty slice elif is_empty_slice(where): return self elif isinstance(where, list): return self._getitem_outer_str_or_list(where) elif isinstance(where, slice): return self._getitem_slice_on_zero((where,)) # a single integer elif isinstance(where, int): return self._getitem_outer_int(where) elif isinstance(where, Array): layout = where.layout while not hasattr(layout, "dtype"): layout = layout.content dtype = layout.dtype.type if issubclass(dtype, (np.bool_, numbers.Integral)): return self._getitem_outer_bool_or_int_lazy_array(where) # a single ellipsis elif where is Ellipsis: return self elif self.npartitions == 1: return self.map_partitions(operator.getitem, where) raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented(f"__getitem__ doesn't support where={where}.") def __getitem__(self, where): """Select items from the collection. Heavily under construction. Arguments --------- where : many types supported Selection criteria. Returns ------- Array | Record | Scalar Resulting collection. """ # don't accept lists containing integers. if isinstance(where, list): if any(isinstance(k, int) for k in where): # this is something we'll likely never support so we # do not use the DaskAwkwardNotImplemented exception. raise RuntimeError("Lists containing integers are not supported.") if isinstance(where, tuple): return self._getitem_tuple(where) return self._getitem_single(where) def _is_method_heuristic(self, resolved: Any) -> bool: return callable(resolved) def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any: if attr not in (self.fields or []): try: cls_method = getattr_static(self._meta, attr) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(f"{attr} not in fields.") else: if hasattr(cls_method, "_dask_get"): return cls_method._dask_get(self._meta, type(self._meta), self) elif self._is_method_heuristic(cls_method): @wraps(cls_method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return self.map_partitions( _BehaviorMethodFn(attr, **kwargs), *args, label=hyphenize(attr), ) return wrapper else: return self.map_partitions( _BehaviorPropertyFn(attr), label=hyphenize(attr), ) try: # at this point attr is either a field or we'll have to # raise an exception. return self.__getitem__(attr) except (IndexError, KeyError): raise AttributeError(f"{attr} not in fields.") def _map_partitions( self, func: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Array: """Maps a function to partitions without flattening the function inputs.""" return _map_partitions(func, self, *args, **kwargs) def map_partitions( self, func: Callable, *args: Any, traverse: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Array: """Map a function across all partitions of the collection. Parameters ---------- func : Callable Function to call on all partitions. *args : Collections and function arguments Additional arguments passed to `func` after the collection, if arguments are Array collections they must be compatibly partitioned with the object this method is being called from. traverse : bool Unpack basic python containers to find dask collections. **kwargs : Any Additional keyword arguments passed to the `func`. Returns ------- dask_awkward.Array The new collection. See Also -------- dask_awkward.map_partitions """ return map_partitions(func, self, *args, traverse=traverse, **kwargs) def eager_compute_divisions(self) -> None: """Force a compute of the divisions.""" self._divisions = calculate_known_divisions(self) def clear_divisions(self) -> None: """Clear the divisions of a Dask Awkward Collection.""" self._divisions = (None,) * (self.npartitions + 1) def __awkward_function__(self, func, array_likes, args, kwargs): import dask_awkward if any(isinstance(arg, ak.Array) for arg in array_likes): raise TypeError("cannot mix awkward.Array and dask_awkward.Array") fn_name = func.__qualname__ try: fn = getattr(dask_awkward, fn_name) except AttributeError: try: import dask_awkward.lib.str fn = getattr(dask_awkward.str, fn_name) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented return fn(*args, **kwargs) def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): if method != "__call__": raise RuntimeError("Array ufunc supports only method == '__call__'") dak_arrays = tuple(a for a in inputs if isinstance(a, Array)) if partition_compatibility(*dak_arrays) == PartitionCompatibility.NO: raise IncompatiblePartitions(*dak_arrays) return _map_partitions( ufunc, *inputs, output_divisions=1, **kwargs, ) def __array__(self, *_, **__): raise NotImplementedError def to_delayed(self, optimize_graph: bool = True) -> list[Delayed]: """Convert the collection to a list of delayed objects. One dask.delayed.Delayed object per partition. Parameters ---------- optimize_graph : bool If True the task graph associated with the collection will be optimized before conversion to the list of Delayed objects. See Also -------- dask_awkward.to_delayed Returns ------- list[Delayed] List of delayed objects (one per partition). """ from import to_delayed return to_delayed(self, optimize_graph=optimize_graph) def to_dask_array( self, *, dtype: Any = None, optimize_graph: bool = True, ) -> DaskArray: from import to_dask_array return to_dask_array(self, dtype=dtype, optimize_graph=optimize_graph) def to_parquet( self, path: str, storage_options: dict | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: from import to_parquet return to_parquet(self, path, storage_options=storage_options, **kwargs) def to_dask_bag(self) -> DaskBag: from import to_dask_bag return to_dask_bag(self) def head(self, nrow=10, compute=True): """First few rows of the array These rows are taken only from the first partition for simplicity. If that partition has fewer rows than ``nrow``, no attempt is made to fetch more from subsequent partitions. By default this is then processed eagerly and returned. """ out = self.partitions[0].map_partitions(lambda x: x[:nrow], meta=self._meta) if compute: return out.compute() if self.known_divisions: out._divisions = (0, min(nrow, self.defined_divisions[1])) return out
class AwkwardMask: def __init__(self, array: Array) -> None: self.array = array def __getitem__(self, where: Array) -> Array: from dask_awkward.lib.structure import mask return mask(self.array, where, valid_when=True) def _zero_getitem(arr: ak.Array, zeroth: slice, rest: tuple[slice, ...]) -> ak.Array: return arr.__getitem__((zeroth,) + rest) def compute_typetracer(dsk: HighLevelGraph, name: str) -> ak.Array: key = (name, 0) return typetracer_array( Delayed( key, dsk.cull({key}), layer=name, ).compute() ) def new_array_object( dsk: HighLevelGraph, name: str, *, meta: ak.Array | None = None, behavior: Mapping | None = None, attrs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, npartitions: int | None = None, divisions: tuple[int, ...] | tuple[None, ...] | None = None, ) -> Array: """Instantiate a new Array collection object. Parameters ---------- dsk : dask.highlevelgraph.HighLevelGraph Graph backing the collection. name : str Unique name for the collection. meta : Array, optional Collection metadata; this is an awkward-array type tracer. If `meta` is ``None``, the first partition of the task graph (`dsk`) will be computed by default to determine the typetracer for the new Array. If the configuration option ``awkward.compute-unknown-meta`` is set to ``False``, undefined `meta` will be assigned an empty typetracer. behavior : dict, optional Custom ak.behavior for the output array. attrs : dict, optional Custom attributes for the output array. npartitions : int, optional Total number of partitions; if used `divisions` will be a tuple of length `npartitions` + 1 with all elements``None``. divisions : tuple[int | None, ...], optional Tuple identifying the locations of the divisions between the partitions. Returns ------- Array Resulting collection. """ if divisions is None: if npartitions is not None: divs: tuple[int, ...] | tuple[None, ...] = (None,) * (npartitions + 1) else: raise ValueError("One of either divisions or npartitions must be defined.") else: if npartitions is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of either divisions or npartitions can be defined." ) divs = divisions if meta is None: if dask.config.get("awkward.compute-unknown-meta"): actual_meta = compute_typetracer(dsk, name) else: actual_meta = empty_typetracer() else: if not isinstance(meta, ak.Array): raise TypeError( f"meta must be an instance of an Awkward Array, not {type(meta)}." ) if ak.backend(meta) != "typetracer": raise TypeError( f"meta Array must have a typetracer backend, not {ak.backend(meta)}" ) actual_meta = meta if behavior is not None: actual_meta.behavior = behavior if attrs is not None: actual_meta.attrs = attrs out = Array(dsk, name, actual_meta, divs) if actual_meta.__doc__ != actual_meta.__class__.__doc__: out.__doc__ = actual_meta.__doc__ return out def partitionwise_layer( func: Callable, name: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AwkwardBlockwiseLayer: """Create a partitionwise graph layer. Parameters ---------- func : Callable Function to apply on all partitions. name : str Name for the layer. *args : Any Arguments that will be passed to `func`. **kwargs : Any Keyword arguments that will be passed to `func`. Returns ------- dask.blockwise.Blockwise The Dask HighLevelGraph Blockwise layer. """ pairs: list[Any] = [] numblocks: dict[str, tuple[int, ...]] = {} for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Array): pairs.extend([, "i"]) numblocks[] = (arg.npartitions,) elif isinstance(arg, BlockwiseDep): if len(arg.numblocks) == 1: pairs.extend([arg, "i"]) elif len(arg.numblocks) == 2: pairs.extend([arg, "ij"]) elif is_arraylike(arg) and is_dask_collection(arg) and arg.ndim == 1: pairs.extend([, "i"]) numblocks[] = arg.numblocks elif isinstance(arg, Scalar): pairs.extend([, "i"]) numblocks[] = (1,) elif isinstance(arg, Delayed): pairs.extend([arg.key, None]) elif is_dask_collection(arg): raise DaskAwkwardNotImplemented( "Use of Array with other Dask collections is currently unsupported." ) else: pairs.extend([arg, None]) layer = dask_blockwise( func, name, "i", *pairs, numblocks=numblocks, concatenate=True, **kwargs, ) layer = AwkwardBlockwiseLayer.from_blockwise(layer) return layer class ArgsKwargsPackedFunction: def __init__(self, the_fn, arg_repackers, kwarg_repacker, arg_lens_for_repackers): self.fn = the_fn self.arg_repackers = arg_repackers self.kwarg_repacker = kwarg_repacker self.arg_lens_for_repackers = arg_lens_for_repackers def __call__(self, *args_deps_expanded): """This packing function receives a list of strictly ordered arguments. The first range of arguments, [0:sum(self.arg_lens_for_repackers)], corresponding to the origin *args of self.fn but flattened to a list of dask collections and non-dask-collection-containing arguments. The remainder are the dask-collection-deps of self.fn's original kwargs. The lengths of expected flattened inputs for each arg are specified when this class is created, and we use that to process the input flattened list of arguments sequentially. The various repackers deal with restructuring the received flattened list into the shape that self.fn expects. """ args = [] len_args = 0 for repacker, n_args in zip(self.arg_repackers, self.arg_lens_for_repackers): args.append( repacker(args_deps_expanded[len_args : len_args + n_args])[0] if repacker is not None else args_deps_expanded[len_args] ) len_args += n_args kwargs = self.kwarg_repacker(args_deps_expanded[len_args:])[0] return self.fn(*args, **kwargs) def _map_partitions( fn: Callable, *args: Any, label: str | None = None, token: str | None = None, meta: Any | None = None, output_divisions: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Array: """Map a callable across all partitions of any number of collections. No wrapper is used to flatten the function arguments. This is meant for dask-awkward internal use or in situations where input data are sanitized. The parameters of this function are otherwise the same as map_partitions, but the limitation that args, kwargs must be non-nested and flat. They will not be traversed to extract all dask collections, except those in the first dimension of args or kwargs. """ token = token or tokenize(fn, *args, output_divisions, **kwargs) label = hyphenize(label or funcname(fn)) name = f"{label}-{token}" deps = [a for a in args if is_dask_collection(a)] + [ v for v in kwargs.values() if is_dask_collection(v) ] dak_arrays = tuple(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Array), deps)) if name in dak_cache: hlg, meta = dak_cache[name] else: lay = partitionwise_layer( fn, name, *args, **kwargs, ) if meta is None: meta = map_meta(fn, *args, **kwargs) hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( name, lay, dependencies=deps, ) if len(dak_arrays) == 0: raise TypeError( "at least one argument passed to map_partitions " "should be a dask_awkward.Array collection." ) dak_cache[name] = hlg, meta in_npartitions = dak_arrays[0].npartitions in_divisions = dak_arrays[0].divisions if output_divisions is not None: if output_divisions == 1: new_divisions = dak_arrays[0].divisions else: new_divisions = tuple(map(lambda x: x * output_divisions, in_divisions)) else: new_divisions = in_divisions if output_divisions is not None: return new_array_object( hlg, name=name, meta=meta, divisions=new_divisions, ) else: return new_array_object( hlg, name=name, meta=meta, npartitions=in_npartitions, ) def map_partitions( base_fn: Callable, *args: Any, label: str | None = None, token: str | None = None, meta: Any | None = None, output_divisions: int | None = None, traverse: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Array: """Map a callable across all partitions of any number of collections. Parameters ---------- base_fn : Callable Function to apply on all partitions, this will get wraped to handle kwargs, including dask collections. *args : Collections and function arguments Arguments passed to the function. Partitioned arguments (i.e. Dask collections) will have `fn` applied to each partition. Array collection arguments they must be compatibly partitioned. label : str, optional Label for the Dask graph layer; if left to ``None`` (default), the name of the function will be used. token : str, optional Provide an already defined token. If ``None`` a new token will be generated. meta : Any, optional Metadata (typetracer) array for the result (if known). If unknown, `fn` will be applied to the metadata of the `args`; if that call fails, the first partition of the new collection will be used to compute the new metadata **if** the ``awkward.compute-known-meta`` configuration setting is ``True``. If the configuration setting is ``False``, an empty typetracer will be assigned as the metadata. output_divisions : int, optional If ``None`` (the default), the divisions of the output will be assumed unknown. If defined, the output divisions will be multiplied by a factor of `output_divisions`. A value of 1 means constant divisions (e.g. a string based slice). Any value greater than 1 means the divisions were expanded by some operation. This argument is mainly for internal library function implementations. traverse : bool Unpack basic python containers to find dask collections. **kwargs : Any Additional keyword arguments passed to the `fn`. Returns ------- dask_awkward.Array The new collection. Examples -------- >>> import dask_awkward as dak >>> a = [[1, 2, 3], [4]] >>> b = [[5, 6, 7], [8]] >>> c = dak.from_lists([a, b]) >>> c dask.awkward<from-lists, npartitions=2> >>> c.compute() <Array [[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6, 7], [8]] type='4 * var * int64'> >>> c2 = dak.map_partitions(np.add, c, c) >>> c2 dask.awkward<add, npartitions=2> >>> c2.compute() <Array [[2, 4, 6], [8], [10, 12, 14], [16]] type='4 * var * int64'> Multiplying `c` (a Dask collection) with `a` (a regular Python list object) will multiply each partition of `c` by `a`: >>> d = dak.map_partitions(np.multiply, c, a) dask.awkward<multiply, npartitions=2> >>> d.compute() <Array [[1, 4, 9], [16], [5, 12, 21], [32]] type='4 * var * int64'> This is effectively the same as `d = c * a` """ opt_touch_all = kwargs.pop("opt_touch_all", None) if opt_touch_all is not None: warnings.warn( "The opt_touch_all argument does nothing.\n" "This warning will be removed in a future version of dask-awkward " "and the function call will likely fail." ) kwarg_flat_deps, kwarg_repacker = unpack_collections(kwargs, traverse=traverse) flat_deps, _ = unpack_collections(*args, *kwargs.values(), traverse=traverse) if len(flat_deps) == 0: message = ( "map_partitions expects at least one Dask collection instance, " "you are passing non-Dask collections to dask-awkward code.\n" "observed argument types:\n" ) for arg in args: message += f"- {type(arg)}" raise TypeError(message) arg_flat_deps_expanded = [] arg_repackers = [] arg_lens_for_repackers = [] for arg in args: this_arg_flat_deps, repacker = unpack_collections(arg, traverse=traverse) if ( len(this_arg_flat_deps) > 0 ): # if the deps list is empty this arg does not contain any dask collection, no need to repack! arg_flat_deps_expanded.extend(this_arg_flat_deps) arg_repackers.append(repacker) arg_lens_for_repackers.append(len(this_arg_flat_deps)) else: arg_flat_deps_expanded.append(arg) arg_repackers.append(None) arg_lens_for_repackers.append(1) fn = ArgsKwargsPackedFunction( base_fn, arg_repackers, kwarg_repacker, arg_lens_for_repackers, ) return _map_partitions( fn, *arg_flat_deps_expanded, *kwarg_flat_deps, label=label, token=token, meta=meta, output_divisions=output_divisions, ) def _chunk_reducer_non_positional( chunk: ak.Array, is_axis_none: bool, *, reducer: Callable, mask_identity: bool, ) -> ak.Array: return reducer( chunk, keepdims=True, axis=-1 if is_axis_none else 0, mask_identity=mask_identity, ) def _concat_reducer_non_positional( partials: list[ak.Array], is_axis_none: bool ) -> ak.Array: concat_axis = -1 if is_axis_none else 0 return ak.concatenate(partials, axis=concat_axis) def _finalise_reducer_non_positional( partial: ak.Array, is_axis_none: bool, *, reducer: Callable, mask_identity: bool, keepdims: bool, ) -> ak.Array: return reducer( partial, axis=None if is_axis_none else 0, keepdims=keepdims, mask_identity=mask_identity, ) def _prepare_axis_none_chunk(chunk: ak.Array) -> ak.Array: # TODO: this is private Awkward code. We should figure out how to export it # if needed (layout,) = ak_do_remove_structure( ak.to_layout(chunk), flatten_records=False, drop_nones=False, keepdims=True, allow_records=False, ) return ak.Array(layout, behavior=chunk.behavior) def non_trivial_reduction( *, label: str, array: Array, axis: int | None, is_positional: bool, keepdims: bool, mask_identity: bool, reducer: Callable, behavior: Mapping | None = None, attrs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, combiner: Callable | None = None, token: str | None = None, dtype: Any | None = None, split_every: int | bool | None = None, ) -> Array | Scalar: if is_positional: raise NotImplementedError("positional reducers at axis=0 or axis=None") # Regularise the axis to (0, None) if axis == 0 or axis == -1 * array.ndim: axis = 0 elif axis is not None: raise ValueError(axis) if combiner is None: combiner = reducer # is_positional == True is not implemented # if is_positional: # assert combiner is reducer # For `axis=None`, we prepare each array to have the following structure: # [[[ ... [x1 x2 x3 ... xN] ... ]]] (length-1 outer lists) # This makes the subsequent reductions an `axis=-1` reduction if axis is None: prepared_array = map_partitions(_prepare_axis_none_chunk, array) else: prepared_array = array chunked_fn = _chunk_reducer_non_positional tree_node_fn = _chunk_reducer_non_positional concat_fn = _concat_reducer_non_positional finalize_fn = _finalise_reducer_non_positional chunked_kwargs = { "reducer": reducer, "is_axis_none": axis is None, "mask_identity": mask_identity, } tree_node_kwargs = { "reducer": combiner, "is_axis_none": axis is None, "mask_identity": mask_identity, } concat_kwargs = {"is_axis_none": axis is None} finalize_kwargs = { "reducer": combiner, "mask_identity": mask_identity, "keepdims": keepdims, "is_axis_none": axis is None, } from dask_awkward.layers import AwkwardTreeReductionLayer token = token or tokenize( array, reducer, label, dtype, split_every, chunked_kwargs, tree_node_kwargs, concat_kwargs, finalize_kwargs, ) name_tree_node = f"{label}-tree-node-{token}" name_finalize = f"{label}-finalize-{token}" chunked_fn = partial(chunked_fn, **chunked_kwargs) tree_node_fn = partial(tree_node_fn, **tree_node_kwargs) concat_fn = partial(concat_fn, **concat_kwargs) finalize_fn = partial(finalize_fn, **finalize_kwargs) if split_every is None: split_every = dask.config.get("awkward.aggregation.split-every", 8) elif split_every is False: split_every = sys.maxsize else: pass chunked = map_partitions(chunked_fn, prepared_array, meta=empty_typetracer()) trl = AwkwardTreeReductionLayer( name=name_finalize,, npartitions_input=prepared_array.npartitions, concat_func=concat_fn, tree_node_func=tree_node_fn, finalize_func=finalize_fn, split_every=split_every, tree_node_name=name_tree_node, ) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name_finalize, trl, dependencies=(chunked,)) meta = reducer( array._meta, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, mask_identity=mask_identity, ) if isinstance(meta, ak.highlevel.Array): return new_array_object(graph, name_finalize, meta=meta, npartitions=1) else: return new_scalar_object(graph, name_finalize, meta=meta) def calculate_known_divisions(array: Array) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Determine the divisions of a collection. This function triggers an immediate computation. Parameters ---------- array : dask_awkward.Array Awkard array collection. Returns ------- tuple[int, ...] Locations (indices) of division boundaries. """ num = map_partitions(ak.num, array, axis=0, meta=empty_typetracer()) # if only 1 partition things are simple if array.npartitions == 1: return (0, num.compute()) # if more than 1 partition cumulative sum required cs = list(np.cumsum(num.compute())) return tuple([0, *cs]) def _type(array: Array) -> Type | None: """Get the type object associated with an array. Parameters ---------- array : dask_awkward.Array The collection. Returns ------- Type The awkward type object of the array; if the array does not contain metadata ``None`` is returned. """ if array._meta is not None: return array._meta.layout.form.type return None def is_awkward_collection(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check if an object is a Dask Awkward collection. Parameters ---------- obj : Any The object of interest. Returns ------- bool True if `obj` is an Awkward Dask collection. """ return isinstance(obj, (Array, Record, Scalar)) def is_typetracer(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check if an object is an Awkward typetracer. Typetracers can be one of these categories: - Array - Record - TypeTracerArray - MaybeNone - OneOf Parameters ---------- obj : Any The object to test. Returns ------- bool True if the `obj` is a typetracer like object. """ # array/record typetracer if isinstance(obj, (ak.Array, ak.Record)): backend = obj.layout.backend if not backend.nplike.known_data: return True # scalar-like typetracer elif is_unknown_scalar(obj) or isinstance(obj, (MaybeNone, OneOf)): return True return False def meta_or_identity(obj: Any) -> Any: """Retrieve the meta of an object or simply pass through. Parameters ---------- obj : Any The object of interest. Returns ------- Any If `obj` is an Awkward Dask collection it is `obj._meta`; if not we simply return `obj`. Examples -------- >>> import awkward as ak >>> import dask_awkward as dak >>> from dask_awkward.core import meta_or_identity >>> x = ak.from_iter([[1, 2, 3], [4]]) >>> x = dak.from_awkward(x, npartitions=2) >>> x dask.awkward<from-awkward, npartitions=2> >>> meta_or_identity(x) <Array-typetracer type='?? * var * int64'> >>> meta_or_identity(5) 5 >>> meta_or_identity("foo") 'foo' """ if is_awkward_collection(obj): return obj._meta elif is_dask_collection(obj) and is_arraylike(obj): return ak.Array( ak.from_numpy(obj._meta).layout.to_typetracer(forget_length=True) ) return obj @overload def to_meta(objects: Sequence[Any]) -> tuple[Any, ...]: ... @overload def to_meta(objects: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: ... def to_meta(objects): """Convert sequence or dict of Dask Awkward collections to their metas. Parameters ---------- objects : Sequence[Any] or dict[str, Any] Sequence or dictionary of objects to retrieve metas from. Returns ------- tuple[Any, ...] or dict[str, Any] The sequence of objects (or dictionary) where collections have been replaced with their metadata. """ if isinstance(objects, dict): return {k: meta_or_identity(v) for k, v in objects.items()} return tuple(map(meta_or_identity, objects)) def length_zero_array_or_identity(obj: Any) -> Any: if is_awkward_collection(obj): return ak.typetracer.length_zero_if_typetracer(obj._meta, behavior=obj.behavior) return obj def to_length_zero_arrays(objects: Sequence[Any]) -> tuple[Any, ...]: return tuple(map(length_zero_array_or_identity, objects)) def map_meta(fn: Callable | ArgsKwargsPackedFunction, *deps: Any) -> ak.Array | None: # NOTE: fn is assumed to be a *packed* function # as defined up in map_partitions. be careful! try: meta = fn(*to_meta(deps)) return meta except Exception as err: # if compute-unknown-meta is False then we don't care about # this failure and we return None. if not dask.config.get("awkward.compute-unknown-meta"): return None # if the metadata function call failed and raise-failed-meta # is True, then we want to raise the exception here. if dask.config.get("awkward.raise-failed-meta"): log.debug( f"metadata determination failed: {err}\n" f"The config option `awkward.raise-failed-meta` to " f"allow this failure was recently deprecated, and can be " f"set to False to preserve this behavior before it is removed." ) raise # if the metadata function failed and we want to move on to # trying the length zero array calculation then we log a # warning and pass to the next try-except block. else: extras = f"function call: {fn}\n" f"metadata: {deps}\n" log.warning( f"metadata could not be determined from operating upon the " f"input array metadata. Falling back to a legacy workaround — " f"please report this at \n" f"{extras}" ) pass try: arg_lzas = to_length_zero_arrays(deps) meta = ak.typetracer.typetracer_from_form(fn(*arg_lzas).layout.form) return meta except Exception: # if compute-unknown-meta is True and we've gotten to this # point, we want to throw a warning because a compute is going # to happen as a consequence of us not being able to determine # metadata. if dask.config.get("awkward.compute-unknown-meta"): extras = f"function call: {fn}\n" f"metadata: {deps}\n" warnings.warn( "metadata could not be determined; " "a compute on the first partition will occur.\n" f"{extras}", UserWarning, ) return None def typetracer_array(a: ak.Array | Array) -> ak.Array: """Retrieve the typetracer Array from a concrete or lazy instance. Parameters ---------- a : ak.Array | Array Array of interest. Returns ------- ak.Array Typetracer array associated with `a`. """ if isinstance(a, Array): return a._meta elif isinstance(a, ak.Array): return ak.Array( a.layout.to_typetracer(forget_length=True), behavior=a._behavior, attrs=a._attrs, ) else: msg = ( "`a` should be an awkward array or a Dask awkward collection.\n" f"Got type {type(a)}" ) raise TypeError(msg) def empty_typetracer() -> ak.Array: """Instantiate a typetracer array with unknown length. Returns ------- ak.Array Length-less typetracer array (content-less array). """ a = ak.Array([]) return ak.Array(a.layout.to_typetracer(forget_length=True)) class _BehaviorMethodFn: def __init__(self, attr: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.attr = attr self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, coll: ak.Array, *args: Any) -> ak.Array: return getattr(coll, self.attr)(*args, **self.kwargs) class _BehaviorPropertyFn: def __init__(self, attr: str) -> None: self.attr = attr def __call__(self, coll: ak.Array) -> ak.Array: return getattr(coll, self.attr) def normalize_single_outer_inner_index( divisions: tuple[int, ...], index: int ) -> tuple[int, int]: """Determine partition index and inner index for some divisions. Parameters ---------- divisions : tuple[int, ...] The divisions of a Dask awkward collection. index : int The overall index (for the complete collection). Returns ------- partition_index : int Which partition in the collection. new_index : int Which inner index in the determined partition. Examples -------- >>> from dask_awkward.utils import normalize_single_outer_inner_index >>> divisions = (0, 3, 6, 9) >>> normalize_single_outer_inner_index(divisions, 0) (0, 0) >>> normalize_single_outer_inner_index(divisions, 5) (1, 2) >>> normalize_single_outer_inner_index(divisions, 8) (2, 2) """ if index < 0: index = divisions[-1] + index if len(divisions) == 2: return (0, int(index)) partition_index = int(np.digitize(index, divisions)) - 1 new_index = index - divisions[partition_index] return (int(partition_index), int(new_index)) def make_unknown_length(array: ak.Array) -> ak.Array: """Make any highlevel Array a highlevel typetracer Array with unknown length. Parameters ---------- array : ak.Array Array of interest Returns ------- ak.Array Highlevel typetracer Array with unknown length. """ return ak.Array(ak.to_layout(array).to_typetracer(forget_length=True))
[docs] class PartitionCompatibility(IntEnum): """Sum type for describing partition compatibility. Use the :func:`partition_compatibility` function as an entry point to instances of this class. Attributes ---------- NO The compatibility is absolutely false; either an unequal number of partitions or known divisions do not match MAYBE The compatibility is possible; the total number of partitions are equal but some divisions are unknown so therefore it's possible that partitions are not compatible, but this cannot be determined without some compute. YES The compatibility is absolutely true; equal number of partitions and known divisions match. See Also -------- dask_awkward.partition_compatibility """ NO = 0 MAYBE = 1 YES = 2 @staticmethod def _check(*args: Array) -> PartitionCompatibility: # first check to see if all arguments have the same number of # partitions; this is _always_ defined. for arg in args[1:]: if args[0].npartitions != arg.npartitions: return PartitionCompatibility.NO # now we check if divisions are compatible. Sometimes divisions # are unknown and we just have a tuple of Nones; but if divisions # are known we want to check if they are compatible. refarr: Array | None = None for arg in args: if arg.known_divisions: refarr = arg break # if we never hit the break just return True because we have no # known division Arrays. else: return PartitionCompatibility.MAYBE # at this point we have a reference array to compare divisions ngood = 0 for arg in args: if arg.known_divisions: if arg.divisions != refarr.divisions: return PartitionCompatibility.NO else: ngood += 1 # the ngood counter tells us if all divisions were present and are equal if ngood == len(args): return PartitionCompatibility.YES # if ngood is less than len(args) then we fall back on maybe compatible return PartitionCompatibility.MAYBE
[docs] def partition_compatibility(*args: Array) -> PartitionCompatibility: """Check if multiple collections have compatible partitions. Parameters ---------- *args : Array Any number of array collections to check. Returns ------- PartitionCompatibility Result of the check. Examples -------- Starting with an absolutely compatible comparison: >>> import dask_awkward as dak >>> import awkward as ak >>> concrete = ak.Array([[1, 2, 3], [4], [5, 6], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) >>> lazy = dak.from_awkward(concrete, npartitions=2) >>> selection = dak.sum(lazy, axis=1) == 0 >>> dak.partition_compatibility(lazy, selection) <PartitionCompatibility.YES: 0> The selection doesn't change the length of the arrays at each partition, so the divisions are known to be conserved for those operations (the sum on ``axis=1`` along with the equality comparison). In general we have no way of knowing what the resulting divisions will be after a boolean selection, but the total number of partitions will be conserved, so we have to report ``MAYBE``: >>> selected_lazy = lazy[selection] >>> dak.partition_compatibility(lazy, lazy_selection) <PartitionCompatibility.MAYBE: 2> Due the simple nature of this example we know that after the selection the partitions will not be compatible (because it's clear only 1 element of the original array will survive the selection, so the divisions will change after that compute). Now we can eagerly compute what the divisions will be on the ``lazy_selection`` collection and get a ``NO`` result: >>> lazy_selection.eager_compute_divisions() >>> dak.partition_compatibility(lazy, lazy_selection) <PartitionCompatibility.NO: 1> Remember that :func:`Array.eager_compute_divisions` is going to trigger a compute to determine the divisions (to know divisions we need to know the length of each partition) """ return PartitionCompatibility._check(*args)
HowStrictT = Union[Literal[1], Literal[2], PartitionCompatibility] def compatible_partitions( *args: Array, how_strict: HowStrictT = PartitionCompatibility.MAYBE, ) -> bool: """Check if all arguments are compatibly partitioned. In operations where the blocks of multiple collections are used simultaneously, we need the collections to be equally partitioned. If the first argument has known divisions, other collections with known divisions will be tested against the first arguments divisions. Parameters ---------- *args : Array Array collections of interest. how_strict : PartitionCompatibility or Literal[1] or Literal[2] Strictness level for the compatibility. If ``PartitionCompatbility.MAYBE`` or the integer 1, the check will return ``True`` if the arrays are maybe compatible (that is, some unknown divisions exist but the total number of partitions are compatible). If ``PartitionCompatibility.YES`` or the integer 2, the check will return ``True`` if and only if the arrays are absolutely compatible (that is, all divisions are known and they are equal). Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the collections have compatible partitions at the level of requested strictness. See Also -------- dask_awkward.PartitionCompatibility dask_awkward.partition_compatibility """ partcomp = partition_compatibility(*args) if partcomp == PartitionCompatibility.NO: return False elif partcomp == PartitionCompatibility.MAYBE: return how_strict == 1 return True